Tag Archives: Growing

Undercurrent Systems for Cannabis Cultivation: A DIY Overview

Introduction Hydroponic methods have revolutionized cannabis cultivation, enabling greater control over nutrients, faster growth rates, and year-round production. Among the numerous hydroponic techniques, the Undercurrent System (sometimes referred to as Deep Water Culture or DWC) stands out for its efficiency and scalability. This article delves into the undercurrent system and offers guidance on building one […]

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Sea of Green (SOG) Cannabis Growing: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction The Sea of Green (SOG) method of cannabis cultivation is a popular technique that emphasizes maximizing the canopy space, resulting in quicker harvests and efficient use of lighting. As the name suggests, SOG aims to produce a “sea” of green foliage across your grow space. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this approach. What […]

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Supersoils 101: Creating the Ultimate Soil Mix for Cannabis Growing

Growing cannabis requires attention to various details, one of which is the quality of the soil used. Supersoil is a term that describes a highly nutritious soil mix, often organic, that provides the cannabis plant with optimal nutrients throughout its growth cycle. In this article, we will break down the basics of what supersoil is, […]

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Seed to Smoke: A Novice’s Guide to Growing Cannabis

Growing cannabis can be an incredibly rewarding endeavor. While it’s a journey of patience, the joy of enjoying a product of your own creation is unparalleled. This guide will walk you through the steps from planting a seed to enjoying your first smoke. 1. Choosing Your Seeds 2. Germination (1-7 days) 3. Seedling Phase (2 […]

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Hydroponic Cannabis Growing: A Home Gardener’s Guide

As cannabis cultivation evolves, innovative methods are consistently emerging, tailoring the growing process to different needs and environments. Hydroponics, the art of growing plants without soil, stands out as a method offering efficiency, control, and often superior results. This article delves into hydroponic cannabis cultivation and the different systems you can set up at home. […]

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Picking the Pot: A Timeline-Based Approach to Choosing Cannabis Pot Size

In cannabis cultivation, every decision has implications, and even seemingly minor details can have a significant impact on your yield. An essential yet often overlooked aspect of this cultivation equation is the pot size. Indeed, the container in which you cultivate your cannabis can notably influence its overall health and yield. By aligning your pot […]

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Mastering SCROG: A Guide to Screen of Green Cannabis Cultivation at Home

For home growers seeking to maximize their cannabis yield in limited spaces, the Screen of Green (SCROG) technique is a game-changer. It involves using a screen to train the cannabis plants, ensuring they grow in a flat, even canopy. SCROG not only optimizes space but also light exposure, which can significantly boost your harvest. Let’s […]

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