Tag Archives: Horticulture

Undercurrent Systems for Cannabis Cultivation: A DIY Overview

Introduction Hydroponic methods have revolutionized cannabis cultivation, enabling greater control over nutrients, faster growth rates, and year-round production. Among the numerous hydroponic techniques, the Undercurrent System (sometimes referred to as Deep Water Culture or DWC) stands out for its efficiency and scalability. This article delves into the undercurrent system and offers guidance on building one […]

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Airflow in Cannabis Cultivation: The Unseen Hero

Airflow might not be the first thing you consider when setting up a cannabis grow, but its significance is paramount. Proper airflow contributes to a thriving cannabis garden in numerous ways, ensuring not just plant health but also a robust yield. This article will delve deep into the importance of airflow, its role in preventing […]

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Picking the Pot: A Timeline-Based Approach to Choosing Cannabis Pot Size

In cannabis cultivation, every decision has implications, and even seemingly minor details can have a significant impact on your yield. An essential yet often overlooked aspect of this cultivation equation is the pot size. Indeed, the container in which you cultivate your cannabis can notably influence its overall health and yield. By aligning your pot […]

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Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) and its importance in Cannabis Cultivation

Vapor Pressure Deficit, commonly referred to as VPD, is a concept that every cannabis grower should familiarize themselves with, especially when the aim is to optimize plant growth and health. Here’s an in-depth look at VPD, how to calculate it, and its relevance in cannabis cultivation. What is Vapor Pressure Deficit? At the heart of […]

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