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Curing Cannabis: Preserving Potency and Flavor at Home

Curing cannabis is a crucial step in the post-harvest process. Much like aging wine, the curing process allows for the refinement of cannabinoid and terpene profiles, enhancing flavor, potency, and the overall smoking experience. But how is it done, especially if you’re a home grower? Let’s delve into the art of curing cannabis and explore various methods you can employ at home.

Why Cure Cannabis?

Before we get into methods, it’s essential to understand why curing is crucial:

  1. Preserves Flavor: Freshly harvested cannabis contains chlorophyll, which gives a ‘grassy’ taste. Curing helps break down chlorophyll, leading to a smoother, more flavorful smoke.
  2. Enhances Potency: The process allows for the continued conversion of non-psychoactive cannabinoids into their psychoactive counterparts.
  3. Improves Burn: Properly cured cannabis burns more evenly and consistently.
  4. Molds and Mildew: Proper curing can reduce the risk of mold and mildew, ensuring a safer product.

Traditional Curing: The Jar Method

1. Initial Drying: Begin by trimming and hanging your buds upside down in a cool, dark place with a relative humidity of 50-60%. Ensure they are not touching each other. This drying phase typically lasts a week or more.

2. Mason Jar Curing:

  • Once buds are dry to the touch but still slightly springy, place them in glass mason jars, filling each about ¾ full.
  • Store jars in a dark, cool place.
  • For the first week, open jars once or twice daily to let the buds “breathe” for about 15 minutes. This process, known as “burping,” helps release excess moisture and prevents mold.
  • After 2-4 weeks in the jars, your cannabis will be cured. However, for the best results, aim for a 4-8 week cure.

Water Curing: For a Smoother Experience

Water curing is less common but can be used to produce a smoother final product with less herbal taste.


  1. Submersion: Submerge freshly harvested buds in distilled water.
  2. Change the Water: Replace the water daily for 5-7 days.
  3. Dry: After the final water change, remove the buds and dry them as you would in the traditional curing method. Note: The result will look less appealing, but the smoke will be smooth.

Papers and Bags: An Old School Approach

Some growers swear by brown paper bags for curing:

  1. Initial Drying: As with jar curing, begin by drying the trimmed buds.
  2. Bagging: Once partially dried, transfer buds to brown paper bags. Fill bags halfway and fold tops over.
  3. Check and Shuffle: Check buds daily, shuffling them around to ensure even curing.
  4. Jar Transfer: After about a week, transfer to jars for a final cure, similar to the jar method.

Vacuum Sealing: For the Tech-Savvy Grower

While not traditional, some home growers use vacuum sealing for long-term storage after an initial cure in jars. This method ensures that light, air, and moisture don’t degrade the quality of the cannabis.

Tips for Successful Curing:

  • Monitor Humidity: Consider using hygrometers in your jars to keep an eye on humidity levels.
  • Patience is Key: Like fine wine, the longer you can wait, the better. Proper curing cannot be rushed.
  • Store Properly: Always store your curing and cured cannabis in a cool, dark place to preserve quality.


Curing cannabis is both a science and an art, with roots in age-old traditions. While the above methods offer a roadmap, many growers will attest that nuances, instinct, and even regional variations can influence the process. Regardless of the method you choose, patience and observation are your best allies in ensuring a high-quality, flavorful, and potent final product.